Conference Themes

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Conference Themes

Topics of the “Policies and Strategies for the Development of the Digital and Green Transformation” are given below but other related themes are also welcome.

Academic and Techno-EntrepreneurshipHealth TechnologySmart Services and Systems
Additive ManufacturingHealth TourismSocial Innovation
Advances in General Purpose TechnologiesHealthcare ManagementSustainable and Green Economy Policies
Algorithm and Algorithmic DesignsHuman -Computer InteractionsSustainable Entrepreneurship
Alternative Energy SourcesHuman CapitalSustainable and Green Innovation
Artificial Intelligence and Its ApplicationsIndustrial DesignSustainable and Green Investments
Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic AlgorithmsIndustry 4.0 and SustainabilitySustainable and Green Market
Augmented RealityInnovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable and Green Production
Autonomous RobotsInnovationsSoftware Development
Big Data AnalyticsInnovations in the Defence IndustryStrategic Technology Management
BlockchainIntellectual and Industrial Property RightsSupply Chain Digitalization
Blockchain Law and RegulationsInternational CompetitionSupply Chain Transformation
Blockchain TechnologyGood Agricultural and Livestock PracticesSustainable and Environmentally Friendly Products and Services
BrandingGreen EnergySustainable Green Technology
Circular EconomyGreen ManufacturingSustainable Development and Green Economy
Climate ChangeGreen PackagingSustainable Development
Cloud SystemsGreen Science, Technology, and Innovation Value ChainSustainable Energy
Commercialization and BrandingGreen TransformationSustainable and Consumption
Corporate SustainabilityGreen RegulationsSustainable Governance
Cyber ​​securityInternational Green Economy LawSustainable Smart Cities
CryptocurrencyInternet of ServicesSustainable Smart Practices
Data miningInternet of ThingsSustainable Tourism and Digitalization
Design and CommunicationLaws and Regulations of DigitalizationSustainable Trade and Environment
Design MethodsLeadershipSustainable Transportation
Design StrategiesMetaverseSustainable Waste Management
Developments in Information and Communication TechnologiesNuclear TechnologiesTechnological Developments in Health and Life Sciences
Digital Finance, Banking and InsuranceOnline servicesTechnological Innovation
Digital Transformation of Business: Industrial SolutionsOpen InnovationTechnology and Trade Transformation
Digital TransformationPatent and Know-How DevelopmentTechno parks
Digital TwinPerformanceTransforming Technological Inventions into Innovation
DigitalizationProcess Innovation3D Printing
Digital Management in BusinessProduct InnovationUniversity-Industry Cooperation and Innovation
Distance Business and Education TechnologiesProductivity & EfficiencyUser-Oriented Design
Drone and Unmanned Aerial VehiclesProduction MethodsVirtual Systems
Economy & Industry 4.0Prototyping and Computer ModellingVisualization in Digital Environment
Economic Efficiency & Social Consequences of InnovationsR&DWaste Management
E-CommerceRenewable Energy ResourcesYouth and Women’s Entrepreneurship
EntrepreneurshipScience, Technology, and Innovation Value ChainOther Topics Related Digital and Green Transformation
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in UniversitiesSectoral Technologies and Innovations 
Entrepreneurship and Strategic ManagementSecurity Technologies 
Environmental EconomySmart Buildings 
Environmentally Friendly TechnologiesSmart Cities 
Ergonomics and AccessibilitySmart Companies 
EthicsSmart Factories 
Financial TechnologiesSmart Labs 
Financing the Green EconomySmart Materials 
Flexible WorkingSmart Products 
Functional Management of a Business in the Digital Transformation  
Food Supply Security